The Dataplicity Apps REST API allows for managing devices and account details. It accepts and returns data in the JSON format.

Things you can do with this API:

  • Programmatically query or update information about devices, including their description
  • Query device status
  • Trigger a device reboot
  • Manage your account details including password resets

NB: It is not possible to access the remote shell with this API.

We'd love to hear what we're getting right, and if there's anything more we could do. We're very open to feedback, so please let us know if we're missing something you need.


Recommended utility - httpie

Please note that each of the code fragments in the docs below has:

httpie and curl headings. These are 2 different utilities that can be used to interact with the API. Underneath each heading you will find relevant commands for each one. We recommend httpie because it gives tidy, coloured output.

To install httpie please use command
sudo apt install httpie
(or an equivalent command on a non-Debian OS)