As we've seen above there are 3 ways to search by. Text (inside the name and the description of a device), Tag, and, Filter.
We can combine all of these together if we want to really narrow down the search results. Simply use an &
symbol in-between the queries. Below is an example.
In the example above we have a search phrase, a tag, and two filters to search by.
http GET\&tag=cof33cof3-coff-33co-ffee-123456789abc\&filter=online%3D1\&filter=wormhole_enabled%3D1 'Authorization: Token 123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzqwer'
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token 123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzqwer" --request GET\&tag=cof33cof3-coff-33co-ffee-123456789abc\&filter=online%3D1\&filter=wormhole_enabled%3D1
The '&' symbol on the command line.
Please note that in the above example the query string would be used on the command line so the
has to be preceded by a\
so that it is not read as a Linux command. Hence why we have\&